I'd never intended to write an album. I'd never had that idea in my head. I was messing around with ideas I'd developed over the years, in my usual way that was never quite serious enough to lay down a track. But one night time it was different. It's 5.30am, I'm tired. I need sleep. But if you suddenly decide to do anything in life, there is no future, because it’s now. Start writing. 

Sometimes a song writes itself due to life circumstances. And sometimes a song is forced and twisted to make it right; I was staying in a pretty remote place to get some ideas together. To keep the noise down for my neighbours, I played and sung more quietly than usual, no strumming, no falsetto. China Girl developed and became the quietest, most acoustic song on the album.
'Tubes of Red Pain' I'd had the tune written for a couple of months already but I couldn't find lyrics to marry it with. Life took a downturn for two people closest to me and the song was made.

Harper Ash is Ashley Harper-Little.

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